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Skylark Wiki

This article may contain major spoilers for the Skylark web comic series.
Please read at your own risk!

Garen is the main protagonist of Skylark and a member of The Crew. He is Wake and like his brother are former residents of the High Islands before setting off on a life of adventure with his brother alongside Rioha.


Garen is a young man with olive-brown skin color and a toned muscled physique in comparison to Wake's slimmest. Like his brother, he wears a High Islander traditional helmet. His facial features are completely unknown.




Powers and Abilities[]

Master Combatant: Garen is a highly trained combatant and is proven to be one of the best in the series having been trained by both Ray and Stronghold in his childhood.[1] During the fight with Agatha's crew, Garen fought Agatha and overwhelmed her in both swordsmanship and bare-knuckle fighting, defeating the famed treasure hunter single-handily.

While escaping from the Brightmanes, Garen held his own against their elite hunters and soldiers, the Marksmen before being overwhelmed even with his Vessel damaged from the repeated overuse of Bloodlust. Even when holding back, he easily could've killed The Ranger in their first fight but only gave the madman flesh wounds in noticeable areas with precision.

    • Explosive Cactus: Wake and Garen's combo technique against a group of enemies. Wake casts Impulso, and with a shared signal between the brothers, they unleash their respective projectiles in the form of ice magic and throwing knives.[2]
  • Master Swordsman: Garen is a superb swordsman with excellent quality and skill. He killed numerous Nhols in a superb showing of swordsmanship in his and Wake's first adventure and is superior to Agatha's skill as he overwhelmed her in their fight.[3]
  • Weapon Mastery: Garen is master in the usage of numerous weapons like knife wielding.[4]

Superhuman Strength: Garen naturally has incredible strength honed from years of training to the point he can carry both Wake, Rioha and their supplies while wearing his heavy Weapon Coat. His Strength is boosted by his Bloodlust, which enables him to further heights as he fights the Baerolme with his bare hands


Bloodlust: Garen [5]

Other Skills[]



  • Quillsword: A sword of the High Islands and the peak of sword making. It was the first sword that Garen wielded on his and Wake's first adventure.[6]
  • Garen's Dual Knives:
  • [[
  • Arsenal Coat
  • [[
  • [[
  • [[

Owned Items[]


  • Garen in Old High German or other Germanic languages, where the root "Gar-" often relates to words meaning "spear" or "warrior."


  • Garen likes animals.[7]


  • Weapons
  • Punching Things
  • Meat


  • Crowds
  • Magic[8]


  1. Skylark: After The Storm part 5
  2. Skylark: Cilffside Trouble part 5
  3. Skylark: Learning Fear part 18
  4. Skylark: Mob Mentality part 57
  5. Skylark: Learning Fear part 25
  6. Skylark To The Test part 1
  7. Skylark: Learning Fear part 19
  8. Skylark: Restart part 6
